It is one of the hardest parts of any supervisor’s or recruiter’s job – having to reject a job applicant. In reality, it can be hard to let a candidate down easily, but there are a few steps you can take to soften the blow. Try keeping the following tips in mind the next time you have to reject a candidate.

Quickly Inform the Candidate

Everyone has faced the anxiety that accompanies having to find a new job, and after a good interview, most jobseekers can be found waiting by the phone. As soon as you know that you don’t want to hire a candidate, notify them via email or over the phone. The longer a candidate waits, the more time they tend to spend worrying. By notifying them quickly, you can remove much of this anxiety.

Get to the Point

When informing the candidate of your decision, get directly to the point. Avoid long, drawn-out conversations, and never attempt to justify your decision in any way. Simply state you decided to go in another direction or the other candidate had more qualifications. End the conversation by informing the applicant that if any other positions that match their qualifications become available, they will be notified at once.

Follow the Rejection Up With a Nice Gesture

Rejection can be hard to take, and there is very little you can do to ease this pain for a candidate. However, you can follow up a rejection with a nice gesture. Consider doing the following for a rejected candidate:

• Offer free tickets to a company event, such as a product launch or store opening.

• Provide the number of another recruiter.

• Explain how they can increase their chances of getting hired the next time.

Always try to end on a positive note and show the candidate you appreciated their investment of time and energy. If you are rejecting the candidate in person, be sure to smile and shake hands with the candidate.

Let Us Do the Hard Work for You

If you are tired of reading applications and interviewing candidates, Nesco Resources can do all the hard work for you. We carefully screen employees to ensure they are a great match for your company. Contact a staffing professional at our company today to discuss your needs.