You get the call to come in for a job interview. And it’s a perfect job, one that that matches your skills, experience and ambition. You may be surprised to learn that showing long-term interest in the position during your interview can make or break your shot at a job offer.
Employee turnover is costly. And getting the right people into a company takes time and money in screening, hiring and training. That’s why today’s HR managers are becoming pickier in who they hire. Who can blame them? Keeping employees for the long haul has become the most important challenge for human resources leaders.
So how can a job seeker show that they’re interested in joining a business and staying? Many job seekers make missteps during the interview process that causes them to lose out to another applicant. Too often, they’re sending out the wrong signals — ones that indicate that they’re not long-term employee material. That said, there are things you can do during the interview to show that you are likely to stick around.
Ask about opportunities for promotion.
During the interview, ask about the possibility of a promotion in the long term. Inquire about what you need to do to be the best-qualified person to get a promotion. Ask them for examples of employees who have moved up within the company. An added benefit of this line of questioning is that you’ll show interest in contributing to the company’s success.
Request information about incentives for long-term employees. Companies want to hold onto their best and brightest workers, and they often create incentives to keep them. Bonuses from added vacation time to educational assistance can pay off when working for a company long. During the interview, ask about any incentives for an employee who works for an extended period.
Ask about the culture of the workplace.
As it turns out, the culture of a company has an enormous impact on your happiness and success as an employee. In fact, many people stay with a business because of their belief in the products and the ethics of the organization. But how do you figure out the workplace culture during an interview? Your best bet is to ask your interviewer to tell you a story about something that happens at their company that wouldn’t elsewhere.
As this article shows, many employers fear hiring someone who won't turn out to be a long-term employee. Showing interest in sticking with the job can be a valuable interview strategy and can help you land the job.