So, you submitted a wonderfully composed resume to a company you really want to work for a few days ago – congratulations. There is just one problem – you haven’t heard back from them yet. This is enough to drive any diehard job seeker crazy, but you shouldn’t despair if you find yourself in this situation. If you haven’t heard anything from the hiring manager, try using the following methods to follow up on your resume instead of letting anxiety take control of you.

Send an Email

Be sure to include the title of the job you applied for in the subject line or near the top of the email so the reader knows what you are talking about. Offer a polite introduction and use the actual name of the hiring manager (people are more responsive when you use their names). Explain you are simply following up, and include a professional closing at the end.  

Call the Manager Directly

Speaking with someone you don’t know over the phone can be hard, but you may have to if you haven’t heard anything in a while. Most professionals recommend calling early in the morning or later on in the afternoon (people are less likely to be busy or in meetings). If no one answers, just leave your name, the reason you are calling and your phone number. Be brief and be sure to reference the position you are applying for. Always thank them for their consideration before hanging up.  

Send a Letter

You may be wondering if people still send letters in the 21st century – simply put, yes. A professionally composed typed letter addressed to the hiring manager or head of human resources may be enough to get them to look at your resume. A typed letter sent in the mail adds a personal touch, and shows the reader you are really serious about working for them.  

Looking for a Job Can be Stressful

If you are having trouble finding a job in the IT or engineering industry, you may want to talk to a staffing agency. Nesco Resources knows how stressful a job search can be, and that is why we aim to help hardworking professionals find positions they will enjoy. Contact one of our staffing representatives today.